You can find most articles at these pages:
SSRN page for Andres Guadamuz.
Some presentations are available through Slideshare.
And here is my authoritative list of publications at ORCID.
- Networks, Complexity and Internet Regulation: Scale-Free Law, Cheltenhan UK: Edward Elgar Publishers (2011).
- Technology Transfer, Open Source and Developing Countries, Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing (2010). EBook format here.
Articles and chapters
- “The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and copyright” (2025) 28:1 Journal of World Intellectual Property, pp.213-219.
- ‘“A Scanner Darkly: Copyright Liability and Exceptions in Artificial Intelligence Inputs and Outputs” (2024) GRUR International 2/2024.
- “These are not the apes you are looking for” (2022) 65:9 Communications of the ACM, pp 20–22,
- “Perspectives on NFTs from the EU and UK” (2022), 45:3 The Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, pp 361-364
- “The treachery of images: non-fungible tokens and copyright”. 16(12) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (2021) 1367–1385.
- “Do Androids Dream of Electric Copyright? Comparative Analysis of Originality in Artificial Intelligence Generated Works”. In Lee J-A, Hilty R, and Liu K-C (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property, Oxford University Press (2021), pp 146-176.
- “Costa Rican copyright legislation and disability exceptions: The case study of 3D printing”. In McCutcheon J, and Ramalho A, International Perspectives on Disability Exceptions in Copyright Law and the Visual Arts: Feeling Art, Routledge (2020), pp 207-216.
- “Smart contracts and intellectual property: challenges and reality”. In Heath C, Kamperman Sanders A, and Moerland E (eds), Intellectual Property Law and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Kluwer International Law (2020), pp 241-263.
- “Living in a Remixed World: Comparative Analysis of Transformative Uses in Copyright Law”, In Edwards, Harbinja and Schaefer, Future Law, Edinburgh University Press (2020) pp 343-363.
- “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: A Critical Look at Smart Contracts”. 35(6) Computer Law and Security Review (2019)
- “Do Androids Dream of Electric Copyright? Comparative Analysis of Originality in Artificial Intelligence Generated Works”, 2 Intellectual Property Quarterly 169 (2017).
- With Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, “Memory Hole or Right to Delist? Implications of the Right to be Forgotten on Web Archiving” 6 RESET Social Sciences Research on the Internet (2016),; doi: 10.4000/reset.807.
- “The monkey selfie: copyright lessons for originality in photographs and internet jurisdiction”, 5:1 Internet Policy Review (2016), DOI: 10.14763/2016.1.398,
- With Thomas Lampoltshammer and Clemens Wass, “Legislation and Case Law for Open Justice in Europe: as a Case Study”, In Jiménez C, Achieving Open Justice through Citizen Participation and Transparency, Hershey, PA: IGI Books (2016).
- With Chris Marsden, “Blockchains and Bitcoin: regulatory responses to cryptocurrencies”, 20:11 First Monday (2015), doi:
- “Developments in Intermediary Liability”, In Savin and Trzaskowski (eds), Research Handbook On EU Internet Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (2014).
- With Diane Cabell, “Data Mining In UK Higher Education Institutions: Law and Policy”, 4:1 Queen Mary Intellectual Property Review 3 (2014).
- With Andrew Rens, “Comparative analysis of copyright assignment and licence formalities for Open Source Contributor Agreements”, (2013) 10:2 SCRIPTed 207
- “Video por Internet no es radiodifusión. Análisis comparativo del marco legal de transmisión de contenidos por Internet“, Mundo Mediatelecom (2012).
- With Abbe Brown and Jordan Hatcher, “The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Information Technology Based Business” 2:1 Geopolitics, History, and International Relations (2010) , pp. 62–123.
- “Free and Open Source Software” in Edwards and Waelde (eds) Law and the Internet, Oxford: Hart (2009), pp.359-391
- “Google and Book Publishers Settle: Legal and Technical Implications” 4 WIPO Magazine (2009).
- “If You Build It, They Won’t Come: Placing User-Generated Content in Context of Commercial Copyright Policy” in Mashing-up Culture: The Rise of User-Generated Content, Hemmungs Wirtén E and Ryman M (eds), Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet ABM (2009) pp.97-122.
- “The license/contract dichotomy in open licenses: a comparative analysis” 30:2 University of La Verne Law Review 101 (2009).
- “Software Patentability: Emerging Legal Issues“, (2008) 6 WIPO Magazine, (December 2008), pp.15-17.
- “Scale-Free Law: Network Science and Copyright” 70 Albany Law Review 1297 (2008).
- “Patented Past, Genetically Modified Future? Biotechnology and Developing Countries” [2007] 4 Web Journal of Current Legal Issues.
- “Legal Challenges to Open Source Licences”, in A. V. Narsimha Rao (ed) Software Patents: Legal Perspectives, Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press (2007) pp.146-155.
- “The Copyright Web: Networks, Law and the Internet”, in New Directions in Copyright Law Volume 4, Fiona Macmillan (ed), London: Edward Elgar, (2007).
- “GNU General Public License v3: A Legal Analysis”, (2006) 3:2 SCRIPTed 130.
- “Open Science: Open Source Licences for Scientific Research”, 7(2) North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology 321-366 (2006).
- “The Software Patent Debate” 1(3) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 196-206 (2006).
- With John Usher, “Electronic Money: the European regulatory approach”, in Edwards, L. (ed), The New Legal Framework for E-Commerce in Europe, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2005), pp.173-201.
- “The drugs don’t work: Access to medicines in the developing world”, Alfa Redi: Revista de Derecho Informático, No.88, Noviembre 2005.
- “Legal Challenges to Open Source Licences”, (2005) 2:2 SCRIPTed 301-308.
- “The Digital Divide: It’s the Content, Stupid”, 2005(3-4) Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, pp.73-77, 113-118.
- “Attack of the Killer Acronyms: The Future of IT Law”, 18(3) International Review of Law Computers & Technology 411-424 (2004).
- “Viral contracts or unenforceable documents? Contractual validity of copyleft licenses”, 26(8) European Intellectual Property Review 331-339 (2004).
- “PayPal: the legal status of C2C payment systems” 20(4) Computer Law & Security Report 294-300 (2004).
- eBay Law: The legal implications of the C2C electronic commerce model” 19(6) Computer Law & Security Report 468-473 (2003).
- “Eldred v. Ashcroft: Analysis of the case”, E-L@w Review 2003 (10) 4-6.
- “Electronic Money: A viable payment system?” Techno-Legal Aspects of Information Society and New Economy: an Overview, Guerrero Bote, V. and Zapico Alonso, A. (eds), Badajoz: Formatex, 2003.
- “Trouble with Prime Numbers: DeCSS, DVD and the Protection of Proprietary Encryption Tools”, The Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2002 (3).
- “Copyright in Cyberspace: Building fences on the Internet” Alfa Redi, Revista Electrónica de Derecho Informático, No. 109, Octubre 2002.
- “The ‘New Sharing Ethic’ in Cyberspace”, 5(1) Journal of World Intellectual Property 129-139 (2002).
- “The Impact of Globalisation on Competition Law”, Democracia Digital 1(11) 2002.
- “Habeas Data vs. the European Data Protection Directive”, The Journal of Information, Law and Technology 2001 (3).
- “Habeas Data: an update on the Latin America data protection constitutional right – Parts 1-2”, World Data, Protection Report 1(4-5) 2001.
- “The future of technology transfer in the global village”, 3(4) Journal of World Intellectual Property 589-602 (2000).
- “Habeas Data: The Latin American response to data protection”, Journal of Information, Law & Technology 2000 (2).
- Comparative Analysis of National Approaches on Voluntary Copyright Relinquishment, WIPO Report CDIP/13/INF/10 (2014).
- Diane Cabell, Analysis of UK/EU law on data mining in higher education institutions (2012).
- With A. E.L. Brown and J. S. Hatcher, The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Information Technology Based Business.
- With C.Waelde et al. The Common Information Environment and Creative Commons, Final Report to the Common Information Environment Members of a study on the applicability of Creative Commons Licences (2005).
- “Costa Rica” , Privacy and Human Rights Report 2003 , Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC) and Privacy International (2004).
Short pieces and reviews
- “Should robot artists be given copyright protection?” The Conversation (2017),
- “Is It Time to Examine the Concept of Originality in Musical Works?” Jotwell (2017),
- “Smart? Blockchain, DAO and Decentralization”, SCL Blog (2016),
- “Pokémon Go has revealed a new battleground for virtual privacy”, The Conversation (2016),
- “Can you ever remove nasty internet content about yourself?” The Conversation (2016),
- “Ye Shall Inherit My Magic Sword!” Post-mortem Ownership in Virtual Worlds”, Jotwell (2016),
- With Chris Marsden, “Blockchains not Bitcoin: Distributed Ledger Technology”, SCL Blog, (2015),
“Review of Free and Open Source Software: Policy, Law and Practice”, 5:4 Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 530-531 (2015).
“Anonymous can’t defeat Islamic State, but here’s what it could achieve”, The Conversation (2015),
“No, the EU is not going to make hyperlinks illegal”, The Conversation (2015), - “Is the UK Government About to Ban WhatsApp?” Huffington Post UK, (2015),
“Leaving the right to be forgotten in Google’s hands hasn’t broken the internet yet”, The Conversation, (2014), - “GIKII Conference Report”, (2014) 11:2 SCRIPTed 193
- “What Do People Think About Copyright?” Jotwell (2014),
- “The Player of Games”, Jotwell (2012),
- “SOPA and network architecture”, Society for Computers and Law (2012),
- “The rise and rise of the software licence”, 6:2 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 128 (2011).
- “Law and Society Approaches to Cyberspace by Paul Schiff Berman” 7:2 SCRIPTed 412 (2010).
- “Review of Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity: Transdisciplinary Enquiries”, (2010) 9:1 Journal of Media Law 294.
- “Review of Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons, Brian Fitzgerald, Jessica Coates and Suzanne Lewis”, (2008) 13:3 Media & Arts Law Review.
- “Computer Law still delivers”, (2008) 3:4 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 269-270.
- “Death of a Gold Spammer”, in Settlers of the New Virtual Worlds, Erik Bethke and Erin Hoffman (eds), BookSurge Publishing: Charleston NC(2008), pp.59-61.
- “Review of Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons, Brian Fitzgerald, Jessica Coates and Suzanne Lewis”, (2008) 13:3 Media & Arts Law Review.
- “An impressive line-up of law and economics experts” (2007) 2:9 Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 359.
- “Review of Unravelling the Myth around Open Source Licences, by Lucie Guibault and Ot van Daalen”, (2007) SCRIPTed 490.
- “Back to the Future: Regulation of Virtual Worlds”, (2007) 4:3 SCRIPTed 242.
- “Review of Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software, by Joseph Feller et al (eds)”, (2006) 3:4 SCRIPTed 485.
- Review of Protecting the Virtual Commons: Self-organising Open Source and Free Software Communities and Innovative Intellectual Property Regimes, Ruben van Wendel de Joode et al. (2006) 14:2 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 250.
- “Mobile payment systems – A research project” (2004) 1:1 SCRIPTed.
- Review of Information Feudalism: Who owns the Knowledge Economy? P.Drahos and
J.Braithwaite, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Vol.12, No.2, 2004, pp.238-240 - “Why SOL?” (2004) 1:1 SCRIPTed.
- Review of E-Business Law of the European Union, Kroes (ed), 1:1 SCRIPTed.
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