Sun, Sand, and Gikii
The registration for the next edition of Gikii, the Geek Law conference, is now open.
This is shaping up to be a very strong programme! I’m loving some of the papers, and I predict a showdown with Judith Rauhofer (mwahahahaha).
Some of the papers that I’m looking forward to the most are:
- Sylvia Allouche (Bristol), “Alternative constitutions (bodies and laws) in science-fictional feminist techno-utopias”.
- Kim Barker (Birmingham), “The Batmobile -The IP Law of The Comic?”
- Mehren Behrensen (Linkoping University Sweden) and Ville Kainu (University of Turku Finland), “From Butt Sliders to the Gender Matrix: Inclusive and Interactive Avatar Choices as Catalysts of Change”.
- Catherine Easton (Lancaster), “Welcome to the Monkey House: Accessibility and equality through the eyes of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.”.
- Judith Rauhofer (Edinburgh), “Scientific progress goes ‘boink’ – Regulation, technological determinism and the BORG complex”.
- Burkhard Schafer (Edinburgh), “Virtual punishment for real crimes – a way to virtuous reality? Jurisprudential reflections on lain Bank’s ‘Surface Detail'”.
I’m being unfair picking a few papers though, the programme really looks quite interesting.