In Costa Rica
I’m in Costa Rica for the rest of the month. Why am I away? As the always excellent PhD comic accurately comments, nobody in academia works in December: Now, where did I put the suntan lotion?
I’m in Costa Rica for the rest of the month. Why am I away? As the always excellent PhD comic accurately comments, nobody in academia works in December: Now, where did I put the suntan lotion?
(Via Mathias Klang) Excellent PhD comic:
What would be the best way to study war? Academics at the University of California at Berkley believe that the answer is through Real-time strategy game Starcraft. The course description reads: “UC Berkeley students with an interest in real-time strategy games and the competitive gaming landscape are encouraged to participate Read more…
Mathias Klang has introduced me to the social network site, and I liked it so much that I thought I would share it here. This website brings together academics and classifies them by university, department and research interest. I found the interface both pleasing to the eye and functional, Read more…
It’s that time of year, and xkcd nails it again… (Disclaimer: if a supervisee happens to read this, I AM an expert in your field. Honest).
For those unfamiliar with SSRN, it is one of the most important research resources that I use to find articles that are otherwise not easily available online. SSRN relies on authors making their articles available in PDF format. Why should anyone make their articles available online? Because SSRN uses the Read more…
Ok, so I am a bit obsessed with SSRN ratings. What does it take to have a succesful paper on SSRN? My most popular paper has only 108 downloads. Now witness Fuck by Christopher Fairman (3203 downloads and counting). Yes, this is a paper about the legal implications of the Read more…
Money Magazine has declared that the 2nd best job in the United States is that of univeristy professor. Reasonably well paid, flexible hours, casual wear and low stress levels make this an appealing carreer choice. Ok, where did I leave my passport? UPDATE: The full list is: 1. Software Engineer2. Read more…
I’ve just come back from an interesting conference at Windsor organised by Queen Mary Intellectual Property Institute, and part of European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN). Some of the presentations got me thinking about the use of PowerPoint. I’m always using slides, and while I admit that I tend to Read more…