PowerPoint and kittens
Brilliant background from Mark Goetz. Given the fact that today I’m working on 4 presentations for the next couple of weeks, I am afraid I might have feline blood on my hands.
Brilliant background from Mark Goetz. Given the fact that today I’m working on 4 presentations for the next couple of weeks, I am afraid I might have feline blood on my hands.
The International Chamber of Commerce has released a report entitled “Building a Digital Economy” (full report here). The report is getting a lot of press because it makes some spectacular claims about the creative industries in Europe. According to the Read more…
[Note: I know the title is not legally accurate, I hope my fellow lawyers will cut me some slack for reporting purposes ] (Via El Mundo) A judge in Barcelona has just delivered an astounding sentence with regards to sites Read more…
The Hollywood Reporter’s legal blog is carrying a story about yet another lawsuit involving landmarks and/or statues. The Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro is suing Columbia Pictures for copyright infringement over the exclusive rights it holds on the statue of Read more…
Excellent video about Google. It is a bit over the top. Google doesn’t want to “own my phone” as such, or know exactly what I’m doing. It wants to target advertising at me. Yes, it is not the best of Read more…
Tired of hearing copyright infringement called “theft” by all sort of people in the content industries? James Murdoch of News Corp is just the latest in a long line of industry shills who favour this wrong-headed argument. I could write Read more…
Several press outlets have been giving ample coverage to ChatRoulette, an online video chat service that connects two random people. What seemed to be a great idea, quickly turned into a service for online voyeurs, public self-gratification and much public Read more…
If you follow technology news services and blogs that are vaguely interested in digital rights issues, you must already have heard about ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. This is a multilateral trade agreement between the EU, the US, Mexico, Canada, Read more…
Read a very interesting article by Wired UK about web archiving. In my experience, one only need utter the word “archive” and audiences the world over will be immediately sent to sleep. Although by now half of my readership will Read more…
GikII V, Edinburgh 2009 http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrc/gikii/2010.asp GikII V, The Voyage Home 28-29 June 2010 John McIntyre Conference Centre Edinburgh Call for Papers GikII returns to its place of birth for its Fifth Edition. GikII is a workshop concerned with exploring the Read more…