The geek civil war
The geeks are at war. Which side will you choose? Are you with the Hackers? Or are you with the Shinies? At the heart of the fight is a device of such divisive power that it might as well have Read more…
The geeks are at war. Which side will you choose? Are you with the Hackers? Or are you with the Shinies? At the heart of the fight is a device of such divisive power that it might as well have Read more…
The Hight Court in England has just delivered a ruling in the case of 20th Century Fox & Anor v Newzbin Ltd. Newzbin is a usenet binary file-sharing service that allows users to search and share material using the bulletin-board-like Read more…
Here is my presentation for this year’s BILETA Conference. I have a soft spot for BILETA, it was one of my first academic conferences, it is where I met some of my mentors and IT luminaries, and it is to Read more…
Mark Conguista gives his talk ‘PowerPoint: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. (Just Kidding: There’s Nothing Good About PowerPoint’. (Warning, swearing!) Following this week’s PowerPoint theme (via Cearta).
I have written before about my growing appreciation for Twitter. It is possible to over-state the importance of the technology, but it has become an important communication tool. I would not go as far as to call it revolutionary, but Read more…
Great Boss Button from Scott Adams, at March Madness website: Read the flow-chart carefully 🙂
Brilliant background from Mark Goetz. Given the fact that today I’m working on 4 presentations for the next couple of weeks, I am afraid I might have feline blood on my hands.
The International Chamber of Commerce has released a report entitled “Building a Digital Economy” (full report here). The report is getting a lot of press because it makes some spectacular claims about the creative industries in Europe. According to the Read more…
[Note: I know the title is not legally accurate, I hope my fellow lawyers will cut me some slack for reporting purposes ] (Via El Mundo) A judge in Barcelona has just delivered an astounding sentence with regards to sites Read more…
The Hollywood Reporter’s legal blog is carrying a story about yet another lawsuit involving landmarks and/or statues. The Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro is suing Columbia Pictures for copyright infringement over the exclusive rights it holds on the statue of Read more…