Llama Font
Thanks to all who have sent me a link to this wonderful tool. You can now say anything important in llama with the amazing Llama Font. Say it in llama!
Thanks to all who have sent me a link to this wonderful tool. You can now say anything important in llama with the amazing Llama Font. Say it in llama!
It has been a bad week for the supporters of three strikes copyright policies in Europe. Although at some point last year the panorama looked good for them with the enactment of the Digital Economy Act, it seems like recent Read more…
The new issue of SCRIPTed – A Journal of Law, Technology & Society, is now live. This issue has some really interesting articles about Internet regulation and governance. In this issue: Editorial Cellular Therapies: Regulating A Sector In Turmoil Aidan Read more…
The use of the loaded question may imply that I believe they should. I shall be frank and admit that this is precisely the intention of this post, but please allow me to explain my reasoning before you dismiss such Read more…
(via Andrea Glorioso) I received an interesting Facebook invitation, and it answered an important question that I have had about my FB timeline. I reproduce the message here: “Have you noticed that you are only seeing updates in your newsfeed Read more…
I love April’s Fools, the mischievous nature of some jokes played over the years always manages to bring a small smile to my face. Here are this year’s Top 5: xkcd in 3D. The entire xkcd catalogue converted to 3D! Read more…
(Via Dixie Hawtin) The 10 Internet Rights and Principles were launched today by the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles at the 2nd expert meeting in Sweden 30-31 March on Human Rights and the Internet, co-organized by the Read more…
Another year, another Special 301 report on the making. The Special 301 is an annual report from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) prepared under section 301 of the Trade Act, in which countries are given disadvantageous marks Read more…
I’ve been following with interest the ongoing saga of the Google Book Settlement. In 2005, Google was sued for copyright infringement by the Association of American Publishers and the Authors Guild. In October 2008, Google settled the suit with the Read more…
I’ve been reading with interest about the keruffle involving Tech Crunch writer Alexia Tsotis and Summit Entertainment film studio about a comment published in that popular blog about a new Jake Gyllenhaall film called Source Code. Apparently Tsotis called the Read more…