Twitter and FB login enabled
To encourage more interaction I’ve now added a WordPress plugin called Social Connect. This allows you to login using your Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo or accounts. Enjoy.
To encourage more interaction I’ve now added a WordPress plugin called Social Connect. This allows you to login using your Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo or accounts. Enjoy.
There is a revolution currently taking place online. This is a revolution against the status quo, centralised authorities, political establishment, existing business models, and creative paradigms. This has the shape of generational warfare because most of the players are so-called Read more…
“Hell is other people” says Sartre. If that is so, then Facebook is a glimpse into hell. I’ve had a rocky relationship with FB (“it’s complicated”); after leaving Facebook for almost two years and then coming back, I have been Read more…
Gikii will start next Monday. Alas, I will not be joining this year, but the programme looks amazing. If you are not attending, have an Android phone, and would like to get the full lolcat experience that is Gikii, why Read more…
BitTorrent Inc has been sued for patent infringement by a company named Tranz-Send Broadcasting Network. I usually suspect the presence of a patent troll when it seems impossible to find the website of the claimant in the patent dispute, and Read more…
Could the next revolution in payment systems be already here? Bitcoin is a non-fiat cryptographic electronic payment system that purports to be the world’s first cryptocurrency. In other words, it is a peer-to-peer, client-based, completely distributed currency that does not Read more…
So, the Gay Girl in Damascus ended up being Tom MacMaster, a 40 year-old American student at the University of Edinburgh. It is needless to rehash what has been said, I highly recommend Ethan Zuckerman’s excellent article on the subject. Read more…
Many of us have been following with interest the adventures of Amina Abdallah Araf al Omari, better known as A Gay Girl in Damascus, a half Syrian, half American girl writing about her struggles in the Arab Spring. I have to Read more…
Twitter has been in the news quite a lot recently: Anthony Weiner’s inappropriate tweet to one of his followers; Wayne Rooney posts a picture of his hair-transplant; the whole Ryan Giggs keruffle trying to stop information about an alleged affair Read more…
Two days ago I programmed my first Android app with Google’s App Inventor. Strike that, it is more accurate to say that I followed the instructions to create several apps using the tutorial. Still, the feeling I got when I Read more…