Social propaganda
This one is making the rounds, but I thought I’d post it here as well. Soviet-style propaganda pictures for all social media. Originally posted in Google+ by Aaron Wood.
This one is making the rounds, but I thought I’d post it here as well. Soviet-style propaganda pictures for all social media. Originally posted in Google+ by Aaron Wood.
I’ve made a Flickr set of past SCRIPTed covers to highlight some of the excellent artwork and pictures used in the last three volumes. Enjoy.
It has been a very interesting week for UK copyright, with some landmark decisions in Lucasfilm v Ainsworth and Newspaper Licensing Agency v Meltwater. However, everyone seems to be talking about Newzbin. In the case of Twentieth Century Fox Film Read more…
Yesterday was the 100th anniversary of Marshall MacLuhan’s birthday, and the event was greeted by many as an opportunity to reflect on his life and works. McLuhan has become the prophet of modern media, his writings and phrases are cited Read more…
After the spectacular hacking of The Sun newspaper and News International websites that took place earlier this week, hacking collectives like Anonymous, LulzSec and AntiSec seem unstoppable. This air of invulnerability was part of LulzSec’s gloating the night the attack Read more…
The European Court of Justice has finally ruled on the landmark case of L’Oréal v eBay (C-324/09) . It is true that the term “landmark case” gets used quite a lot in these virtual pages, but in this situation is Read more…
To encourage more interaction I’ve now added a WordPress plugin called Social Connect. This allows you to login using your Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo or accounts. Enjoy.
There is a revolution currently taking place online. This is a revolution against the status quo, centralised authorities, political establishment, existing business models, and creative paradigms. This has the shape of generational warfare because most of the players are so-called Read more…
“Hell is other people” says Sartre. If that is so, then Facebook is a glimpse into hell. I’ve had a rocky relationship with FB (“it’s complicated”); after leaving Facebook for almost two years and then coming back, I have been Read more…
Gikii will start next Monday. Alas, I will not be joining this year, but the programme looks amazing. If you are not attending, have an Android phone, and would like to get the full lolcat experience that is Gikii, why Read more…