Legal music sales rose in 2004
A report by the BBC says that legal music downloads are up almost tenfold during 2004 . In other news, snow is cold, rain is wet, and young people have no taste in music.
A report by the BBC says that legal music downloads are up almost tenfold during 2004 . In other news, snow is cold, rain is wet, and young people have no taste in music.
A new bill in California is asking for jail time for P2P developers. That’s right, if you produce some software that can be used to exchange files through a network, then you can be thrown to jail. The stupidity of Read more…
Some people fear that the net may be suffering from a balkanization of the internet, with a broken up network consisting of people who inhabit a space that only accepts trusted users, coming from trusted domains. This is made evident Read more…
This is a very good article in The Economist talking about the problems with the American patent system and IBM’s 500 patent handover. They state that studies claim that 30% of all patents awarded in the United States are duplicate Read more…
Open biotechnology continues to gather momentum in the press. This is a new article in Wired, very similar to many other articles that have been showing up since The Economist produced an article where the phenomenon was explained. The article Read more…
This sounds like a badly written zombie movie. A man in Scotland is being held under suspicion of keeping a zombie network. A zombie is netspeak for a computer that has been hijacked to produce a certain effect, such as Read more…
This is the first UK case of a man being fired because of something that he wrote on a blog. Joe Gordon, was a senior bookseller at Waterstone’s store in Edinburgh, and had been with the company for 11 years. Read more…
Jailed for a song is a new campaign in the U.S. that is trying to get sensible IP legislation passed through the American Congress. The idea is to turn the tide of IP protection to regain liberties and freedoms enjoyed Read more…
Those singing the demise of the Bittorrent network should not get ahead of themselves. The existing technology can still be used for countless purposes where the sharing of large files is needed. There is also a lot that can be Read more…
There have been several interesting moves about software patents in Europe. The proposal was introduced sneakily by members of the Commission to an Agriculture meeting dealing with fishing, which was struck down by Poland (thank you Poland, again!). Now, 61 Read more…