New aggregated blog

As part of the synergy generated in the iCommons summit, several Latin American leads suggested the creation of a new aggregated blog bringing together voices talking about open content, CC and other related topics. Thanks to Katitza Rodríguez from CC-Peru we now have a new blog. If you would like Read more…

F.U.D. from Chile

On the same day that friend and colleague Claudio Ruiz has given me an excellent t-shirt and stickers from the Creative Commons enforcement case in Chile (pictured), I have read some F.U.D. from that same country. It’s amazing how some people see CC as a fundamental challenge against proprietary models Read more…

Legal Day

We’ve had some excellent discussion on the first day of the conference, which has been an unofficial start before the summit fully begins tomorrow (in other words, licence geeks get together and throw around ideas). The first session was an extremely useful description from Lucie Gibault and Paul Keller of Read more…