The ISP rebellion

Much virtual ink has been spent discussing the latest attempt to shift liability for illegal file-sharing back to the intermediaries. UK ISPs are said to be in negotiation with the British Phonographic Industry in order to turn them into enforcers. ISPs are supposed to disconnect illegal file-sharers after other disciplinary Read more…

Selling out?

Habitual readers may be interested in knowing that I will soon be joining the ranks of Newstex, a blog syndication service that aggregates content and sells it to legal information services such as LexisNexis, EBSCO, CanWest MediaWorks, Thomson Financial, and Thomson Business Intelligence. I am quite chuffed by their invitation Read more…


Second COMMUNIA workshop: Vilnius, Lithuania, 31/03/08 Ethical Public Domain: Debate of Questionable Practices – this is the title for the Second COMMUNIA workshop to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on Monday 31 March 2008 from 8:30 to 18. The morning session will be held at ELTA press center, with registration Read more…

Why do you hate America?

(via Guardian Blogs) It seems just like yesterday that Darl McBride wrote his infamous letter to Congress, where he came narrowly close of calling open source as tantamount to anti-Americanism, communism and abolition of intellectual property rights. Bill Gates famously called open source a modern form of communism. What do Read more…