GIKIIIOxford Internet InstituteSeptember 24-25, 2008 We are glad to announce the third edition of GikII (appropriately renamed GikIII), which will take place 24-25 September 2008 at the Oxford Internet Institute in, errr… Oxford! GikII is so cutting edge that it is the nano-blade of workshops, so expect all sorts of Read more…

Regulating gold farming

I’m in Malaysia for a WIPO seminar on the software industry (note to self: in the future, stay away from water and ice). Yesterday there was an interesting session on the gaming industry in the Asian region. The representative from the Japanese software industry gave statistics on the subscription-based online Read more…

BitTorrent traffic still growing

Ars Technica has an interesting story on the continuing growth of BitTorrent traffic, yet the head of anti-piracy operations at the MPAA says that things are getting better. The problem for those figthing BitTorrent traffic is that sites are one Google search away, regardless of which tracker site you prefer. Read more…