To twit or not to twit

I’ve just read a shallow article in this month’s Wired that has me thinking about blogging. The article is entitled “Kill Your Blog” in the magazine version, a title that has been changed in the online version. The article declares the death of blogging as a fresh and active medium, Read more…

The internet is for gay porn…

… or so it seems for British lawyer firm Davenport Lyons, which has been sending letters on behalf of German gay porn makers to obtain payment from people who download their films through P2P and Torrent sites. But not only are individuals being accused of copyright infringement, stock photography sites Read more…

Bio in 6 words

Mathias Klang at Wrote tagged me with the six word memoir meme, so I will try to rise to the challenge. I’ve always liked the line in Half a Person by The Smiths that says “16, clumsy and shy, I went to London and I”, but it exceeds the limit. Read more…

Smells like teen suicide

(via ORG-Discussion list and various other sources) A teenager in Florida has committed suicide while webcasting the event on video website Reportedly, as many as 1,500 people were witnesing the event at one time, and some even encouraged the teenager with messages like this one: “Do it, do the Read more…

Patenting patent trolling

(via Patently-O) Halliburton (yes, THAT Halliburton) has made a patent application for patent trolling. Enjoy USPTO application 20080270152, which protects a method for “Patent Acquisition and Assertion by a (Non-Inventor) First Party Against a Second Party”. The abstract reads: “Methods for a first party to acquire and assert a patent Read more…