Copyleft manual

Erick Iriarte from Alfa-Redi has forwarded a link to the Spanish book called “Manual del Copyleft”. I have oly browsed its contents, but it looks quite impressive. It can be downloaded directly and it’s released under a CC BY-SA licence (Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 2.5 España). Excellent online resource, particularly because there has Read more…

iTunes DRM cracked

Norwegian DVD Jon (aka Jon Lech Johansen) has done it again. While he had already cracked earlier versions of Apple’s FairPlay DRM, there had not been releases for recent versions. His early crack, called FairKeys, was a crack that was used by Apple crack software such as JHymn, but it Read more…

Curious worm virus email

I have received a rather curious virus in my Inbox. The email reads: Mail server report.Our firewall determined the e-mails containing worm copies are being sent from your computer.Nowadays it happens from many computers, because this is a new virus type (Network Worms).Using the new bug in the Windows, these Read more…

Shiny Happy People

What makes people happy? This is a difficult question, particularly when one considers that there is a growing trend in some policy circles to emphasise happiness as a goal, instead of concentrating efforts on making people richer. The BBC even broadcast a series looking at the new science of happiness. Read more…

Limewire Strikes Back

LimeWire has replied to the RIAA suit against them with a countersuit. LimeWire has issued its answer to the plaintiff’s claim, and have counter-sued. The document makes an interesting argument against the RIAA’s anti-competitive practices. The main claim is that the RIAA has been operating as a cartel by promoting Read more…

Security breach in Second Life

The BBC reports on a serious security breach at Second Life, the popular virtual environment game thingy. According to a bulletin by Linden Labs, the makers of the game, they have expressed that: “Linden Lab reported today that it is notifying its community of a database breach, which potentially exposed Read more…