More details on Sony case

Cedric Manara has helpfully sent some more information about the French Sony case. Sony France and Sony UK have been reprimanded by a French court because they do not warn consumers that the music they sell can only be played with Sony players. Sony UK offers music through a service Read more…

Happy New Year

Happy new Year to all regular (and non-regular) readers. I’ve been overwhelmed by the steady numbers that the blog has been getting. Sometime in the last two days we’ve managed to reach the 30,000 hit mark, and last December was the most viewed month since I started counting, with more Read more…

Computers in movies

I’ve just read an excellent article about cinematic depiction of computer use in The Guardian. This is a topic of endless derision from techies and geeks all over the world. The article mentions that the balance can be tricky. In one hand we have the most realistic depiction of computers Read more…