Music downloads do not affect sales

(Via Howard Knopf) Those involved in the P2P debate might remember the 2004 Oberholzer-Gee and Strumpf paper on the effect of music downloads on sales. The paper has now been published in the Journal of Political Economy with updates. The abstract reads: “For industries ranging from software to pharmaceuticals and Read more…

UK Law Database

Finally! Looking for UK legislation? The Department of Constitutional Affairs has released its Statute Law Database. No longer will you have to guess the legislation’s name to find it in Google, everything is now available in one place. I’ve been browsing it (as you do), and I think that it Read more…

Web 2.0 video

Creative Commons blog and even Eben Moglen are all talking about this video explaining Web 2.0, the hyper-web, or however you want to call it. It was quite an amazing display, really well done. Web 2.0 is one of those terms that I see defined in different ways. Originally, it Read more…

Has DRM had its day?

Apple boss Steve Jobs has surprised pretty much everyone by making a statement about technological protection measures in the music industry, in a move reminiscent of Bill Gates’ comment about how DRM had become too complex for consumers. In an open letter to the public, Jobs has stated that: “Why Read more…