Pirates complain about P2P

This is an excellent read from TorrentFreak. They interview a real pirate, one of those people who makes physical copies of copyright content and sells it in marketplaces, car-boots or pubs. Tony, a physical pirate, complains that P2P has stolen their sales, and they have had to close down some Read more…

P2P in the news

This is yet another well-informed technology article from The Guardian on P2P, IP and downloads. I often complain about journalistic inaccuracies, but praise where it’s due, sometimes they get it right.

Virtual communities and IP

The Beeb runs a story on a new report by research consultants Screen Digest on the Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming (MMOG) market. The big headline in the report is that the MMOG market has now passed the $1 billion USD revenue mark from subscriptions worldwide. While big revenue is to Read more…

Open source Tories

(Via David Berry) The Conservative Party has turned open source, according to their website: “Shadow Chancellor George Osborne has promised that an incoming Conservative government would create a level playing field for open source software in the UK, in a move which could save taxpayers more than £600 million a Read more…

MMORPG bubble bursting

One of the most traumatic events for the fledgling field of IT Law was the bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2001, when the artificially inflated electronic commerce market suffered a re-adjustment and a crash to weed out all of the pretenders and irrelevant market dwellers, producing some of the Read more…