F.U.D. from Chile

On the same day that friend and colleague Claudio Ruiz has given me an excellent t-shirt and stickers from the Creative Commons enforcement case in Chile (pictured), I have read some F.U.D. from that same country. It’s amazing how some people see CC as a fundamental challenge against proprietary models Read more…

Legal Day

We’ve had some excellent discussion on the first day of the conference, which has been an unofficial start before the summit fully begins tomorrow (in other words, licence geeks get together and throw around ideas). The first session was an extremely useful description from Lucie Gibault and Paul Keller of Read more…


I’m off to Croatia to the iSummit ’07. If last year’s Rio Summit is anything to go by, we can expect lively discussion, excellent presentations and the gathering of a truly multinational audience. I hope to blog the event, so expect regular updates, wi-fi permitting of course.

Name that llama

Former student Linda Wilbraham has sent us a mascot llama (pictured). Colleagues at the office have suggested that it needs a name, so I have decided to initiate a competition to name that llama. You can either write a comment with your name and the suggested llama name, or send Read more…

The Genesis of We7

The BBC reports on a new download service started by Peter Gabriel called We7 (wet in l337, geddit?) The service allows free downloads but includes a small advert clip to each songs of up to 10 seconds. This seems like a good effort, but I’m not sure about its prospects. Read more…

AACS keys cracked. Again.

Nothing demonstrates the futility of DRMs arms like the HD-DVD fiasco. Ed Felten has posted about the latest crack on the latest patch of the failing security system used to protect high definition discs. After the now infamous key number was cracked last month and publicised last month, the solution Read more…