SCRIPT-ed June 2007

The June 2007 issue of SCRIPTed, The Journal of Law and Technology, is now available. In this issue: Editorial Douglas v Hello! – An OK! result Gillian Black, pp.161-165 Peer-Reviewed Articles Do Asian Nations Take Intellectual Property Rights Seriously? Assafa Endeshaw, p.166-179 The day after the Computer-Implemented Inventions Directive: who Read more…

EMI’s sales soar without DRM

There seems to be nothing better than the content and smug feeling you get by saying “we told you so”. Well, we did, and it seems clear that the technical protection measure experiment may have finally crashed (henceforth DRM). Several sites report what every person even mildly clued-in to the Read more…

Peer to Patent live

The amazing Peer to Patent system is now live. The system is the creation of New York Law School Professor Beth Noveck, and it is an extremely interesting system of involving the online community on the review of patent claims in pending patent applications. I believe this is an interesting Read more…