Cybercrime pays… in the UK

I think we could all agree that cybercrime is a growing threat. Online fraud, phishing, viruses, hacking, DDoS, and spam, consumer are increasingly at risk from online security vulnerabilities that could translate in financial loss. What is the UK’s response to the threat? “Call your bank”. The Guardian carries a Read more…


Wikipedia is great. However, as a sometimes editor, I’m starting to grow tired of getting involved in endless editing wars with people who are not experts on the subjects. If you don’t like a rant, look away now. I’m perfectly happy with people editing and disagreeing on all sort of Read more…

GPL v3 released

As I mentioned earlier this week, the GPL version three is finally out. Richard Stallman read a statement yesterday announcing the much-awaited launch, which will undoubtedly be met with both trepidation and caution in software development circles. The text will maintain some of the more controversial features present in the Read more…

GikII 2

In September 2006, panGloss and yours truly organised the first GikII workshop, a tremendously entertaining gathering of like-minded people willing to discuss the interface between geek culture and the law. The resulting workshop provided a look at the virtual personality of avatars; legal aspects of fandom, anime and even hentai; Read more…

New aggregated blog

As part of the synergy generated in the iCommons summit, several Latin American leads suggested the creation of a new aggregated blog bringing together voices talking about open content, CC and other related topics. Thanks to Katitza Rodríguez from CC-Peru we now have a new blog. If you would like Read more…