Caught on Facebook

The Times Online reports on the use of Facebook to enforce some of Oxford University’s strict regulations on post-exam celebrations. I have it on good authority that students post pictures of drunken shenanigans on Facebook, some of which fall foul of existing rules. Staff have used those pictures to warn Read more…

SCRIPT-ed books for review

SCRIPTed is looking for reviewers for three books. These are: Roger Cullis, Patents, Inventions and the Dynamics of Innovation: A Multidisciplinary Study. Charlotte Waelde, Hector MacQueen (eds), Intellectual Property: The Many Faces of the Public Domain. Tarleton Gillespie, Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture. If you’re interested, Read more…

Virtual lawsuits

Internet news websites have been commenting on a copyright infringement case involving sex toys in Second Life. With spectacular titles like “Sex Toy IP Scandal Rocks Second Life“, one would imagine thousands of depressed avatars shocked by the news of a lawsuit involving sex toys. The lawsuit involves something called Read more…

Knock-off Nigel

I guess I’m not the only person to have noticed the ridiculously over-the-top anti-piracy commercials in cinemas. Besides ‘Knock-off Nigel‘, there’s the utterly awful crime ad. You know, because pirates are also drug-dealers, arms tradesmen and people smugglers.