Downloading is not stealing

(via The House of Commons) A video parody from the University of Sidney’s Law Revue that more accurately depicts the nuances in copyright infringement. From the video: Downloading movies is not stealingCopyright is intangible propertyCopyright is a chose in actionYou would not depreciate your friend’s chose in actionDownloading depreciates copyrightSomewhatDownloading Read more…

Open source licences are contracts

Habitual readers may have noticed that one of the repetitive memes in this blog is that copyleft licences are contracts. In Jacobsen v Katzer, and American court has agreed. The case involved Robert Jacobsen, an open source developer participating in an open source project called Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI), Read more…

RMI WIPO seminar

I have received this press release where yours truly will be speaking. WIPO Seminar to Address Digital Rights Management Technologies Geneva, August 27, 2007MA/2007/30 The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is hosting a Seminar on Rights Management Information at its Geneva headquarters on September 17, 2007. Rights management information (RMI) Read more…