VII World Congress of Computer Law

Erick Iriarte has sent this message for distribution: VII World Congress of Computer Law / VII Congreso Mundial de Derecho InformaticoWhen: 3-7 December 2007Where: San Juan, Puerto RicoSteering Committee: University of Puerto Rico / Puerto Rico Bar Association / Inter American University of Puerto Rico / Alfa-RediWebsite: About Congress: Read more…

Mother v RIAA

(via Wired) Jammie Thomas, a 30-something mother from Minnesota accused by the RIAA of sharing 1,702 audio files, will go to court to defend her innocence this week. Welcome to Virgin v Thomas, the first jury trial in the RIAA’s four year campaign to sue 20,000 of its potential customers, Read more…

GikII 2

(The cast of GikII visit Jeremy Bentham on their way to the obligatory pub visit) As I mentioned earlier, last week we held the second edition of GikII in London. PDF versions of the presentations can be downloaded from the site so that you can wonder at the geek’s superior Read more…


I’ve just returned from conferencing. First there was a very interesting seminar at WIPO on the subject of Rights Management Information (interesting for those who find metadata interesting of course). I believe that there is a growing push towards metadata standards and identification data to be included into works as Read more…