ILAWS launch

I attended the launch for ILAWS, a new IT centre at the University of Southampton led by our very own PanGloss. The introductory lecture was given by Professor Chris Reed, who talked about making business online, where he concentrated on legal issues ranging from some of the traditional IT subjects Read more…


(via EFF) Yahoo Music’s general manager has had it with DRM. Just to refresh everyone’s memory, the growing rebel alliance against technological protection measures now includes EMI, Apple, Universal, eMusic and Amazon. There is also the growing phenomenon of the DRM-free online release band. Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails have Read more…

Open database licence

Jordan Hatcher has published a draft of the Open Database Licence, which is an agreement intended to allow users to “freely share, modify, and use” databases while maintaining the same freedoms for others. I’ve gone through the draft, and it is pretty good stuff. The licence clearly helps to plug Read more…