LARP: bringing games to life

Reading about the Tower of London GPS game has got me thinking about the future of role-playing gaming, gadgets, and some potentially interesting legal issues (this is a technology law blog after all, despite my efforts to forget that fact from time to time). The growth of ubiquitous smart phones Read more…

Cybercrime under control?

Back in August we reported on a surprisingly visionary paper from the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, which requested urgent government action against cybercrime. Last Friday Blogzilla commented that the official government response was disappointing. The government’s response has been that all is well, all legislation is Read more…

OiNK shut down

News sources here in the UK are reporting of another piracy site shut down by police, and its owner arrested. OiNK is a subscription-only site which shares pre-released music for a fee (never ‘eard of it meself, subtle name though). The man has been arrested “on suspicion of conspiracy to Read more…

Three years of llamas

TechnoLlama is now three years old, my first post to this blog was on October 20 2004. In that period of time I’ve written 812 post at an average 5,000 words per month, have infringed copyright hundreds of times by in-lining pictures, and drank Cthulhu knows how many mugs of Read more…

Bragg v Linden Labs

The dust is starting to settle in the widely publicised case of Bragg v. Linden Research, which was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. However, one must assume that plaintiff Marc Bragg has done rather well out of the deal, as his alter ego Marc Woebegone has been Read more…